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[IN] Touhou Eiyashou(Eternal Night Vignette) ~ Imperishable Night Prologue

東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Nigh 

Summer is drawing to a close. Soon, chirping crickets will take over for buzzing cicadas.

ここ幻想郷の暑さも夜になるとすっかり退き、人間にとっても妖怪にとっても快適な季節 だった。
Gensokyo's hot nights are cooling down, making it a comfortable time for humans and youkai alike.

Times are peaceful as usual.

From a human perspective, anyway.

There is an old mansion located at the edge of Gensokyo.

Its appearance radiates the feeling of its history and a kind of atmosphere that rejects visitors.

この家には何故か人間界の道具と思われるものが幾 つか在る。用途のわからない機械、書いてある事がまるで理解できない本、雑誌。
Items that look as though they might be from the outer world have somehow found their way into this house. Strange machines, books that make no sense.

One such object, an iron box that was once a television, now serves the role of spiritual storage.

人の形 が映っていた物には霊も宿りやすいのよと、彼女は自分の式神に教える。
"Spirits can live well in something that used to display human shapes," she'd say to her shikigami.

境界の妖怪『八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり)』はここに居た。
This is the home of Yukari Yakumo, the youkai of boundaries.

Ever since becoming aware of a slight abnormality in Gensokyo, she hasn't been able to sleep well, even during the day.

敵の姿は確認取れなかったが、『こんな』事が出来ると言う事はかなりの強力な者である と想像できた
The enemy was yet to be seen, but she was certain that it must have taken someone powerful to pull that off. 

しかし、普段余り出歩かない彼女にとって自分から動く事は、凄く面倒な 事だったのだ。
She doesn't get out often, however, and it will be bothersome for her to take an action alone.

"Hey, I can rope her in and let her handle this problem."

こうして紫は、同じく幻想郷の境に存在する神社を目指して出かけた。そこに一人の知り 合いの人間がいる。
So she set out for the shrine, another building located at the edge of Gensokyo.
There's a human that she knows there.

 It's a carefree person who always happens to be bored.

Therefore, she'll gladly undertake the task of resolving whatever trouble there is.

It smells ominous. 

It is said that the forest eats humans. Humans usually maintain a safe distance from it.

Humans usually maintain a safe distance from it.

Humans usually maintain a safe distance from it.

The Forest of Magic, a place where all the evil in Gensokyo naturally gathers.

Within that forest, small human figures are gathered into a small building.

Human figures smaller than humans.

The rainbow-colored puppeteer, Alice Margatroid, is reading books amidst a mountain of dolls.

"How can humans possibly not be aware of this huge disaster?"

If nothing is done, we won't be able to enjoy that.

普段は余り出歩くことの無い彼女だっ たがみんな異変に無関心だった為、調査に乗り出てみる事にした。
She isn't the type of person who gets out often, but no one else was interested in the problem, so she set out to investigate for herself.

Or rather, she tried to.

"I don't like this, they're used to this kind of thing, so they should do it."
"Yeah, really."

敵の見当もつかないし、どうすればよいのかわからない。思いあぐねて、同じくこの森に 住む人間の処へ向う事にした。
She knew nothing about the enemy and had no idea how to get started.
In the end, she decided to visit a human who also lived in the forest, to let her take care of the issue.

She brought a few books along...

人間が滅多に手にする事が無い本。グリモワールである。Grimoires. Books that any human would find extremely rare and difficult to get ahold of.

That person would never be able to refuse such an offer.

"Sakuya, where are you?"

There is a European mansion located next to a lake; a scarlet mansion. A shrill voice was echoing all through its halls, as usual.

湖の白と森の緑、 そこに建つ紅い洋館。どぎつい取り合わせのはずなのに不思議と落ち着いていた。
Between a lake of glistening white and a forest of verdant green stood a mansion of unyielding scarlet. It should be an awkward sight, but strangely, it's very soothing.

It is said that time stops flowing within this mansion, the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It's not a metaphor.

Remilia Scarlet, a vampire, was looking for her personal maid.

"Have you already done that as I asked?"
"I beg your pardon, my Lady, but I couldn't get what actually you meant to..."

Unfortunately, she was apparently unsuccessful at communicating with the human before her.

"Fine! I'll do it myself, Sakuya, so you do daily stu... Well, whatever you want."

Obviously, she had not been ordered to stay home.

結局メイドはお守り役として付いて行かざるを得 ない。
The maid has no choice but to attend her mistress as a protection charm.

"You know that you won't be able to do anything after sunrise," she said in her heart.

こんなに平和だし何か起きている様にも見えないし、ちょっと動いたら疲れて戻ってくる でしょう、とメイドは軽く思っていた。
It's so peaceful and nothing in particular is happening, so she'll just go back home once the mistress gets tired, the maid thought lightly. Of course, that too was left unspoken.

No other place in Gensokyo can match the silence of this place. 

ただ、荒涼としているわけではない。何か魂 が休まるような静かさなのだ。
However, it isn't bleak. It has a peaceful atmosphere like a sleeping soul.

荒ぶる者の声も聞こえない、豊かな自然に爽やかな風の音 だけが聞こえる。
There is no sign of any disturbance, nature's bounty and refreshing wind is the sole source of sound.

This is the Netherworld, the land of the dead.

There isn't a living human anywhere to be found. 

The ghosts there, however, enjoy a lively afterlife.

"So,  Yuyuko's not aware of this?"

The most vivid and largest place in this quiet world. The Hakugyokurou.

庭師『魂魄 妖夢(こんぱく ようむ)』はお嬢様に異変を伝えようか迷っていた。
Youmu Konpaku, a gardener, was pondering whether to tell her mistress about a most recent incident.

At that moment, she found her lady heading toward her. Good timing.

"Ah, Lady Yuyuko..."
"Youmu, are you still ignoring that?"
"Eh? ... What do you mean by ' that '?"
"What, you're not even aware of it?
It's because you slacked off that you don't know."

She doesn't remember slacking off, but it seems that her lady was aware of the trouble as well.

西行寺家の亡霊少女『西行寺 幽々子(さいぎょうじ ゆゆこ)』は、妖夢の事をぼろくそ に言った。
Yuyuko Saigyouji, the ghostly mistress of the Saigyouji family, picked on Youmu.

"Wait, do you have any idea where to go, my Lady?"
"Of course, a lot of them. As we shoot stuff down, we'll eventually find a lead."
"That's where you're wrong, Lady Yuyuko.
You rely too much on raw power and have bad aim, so it takes even longer.
You should concentrate your attack more, look..."
"Your back is so undefended, Youmu."

Yuyuko was really worried about Youmu going out alone, so she decided to take action by herself.

Since the opponent is powerful enough to cause such a disaster, a team of two wouldn't be a bad idea.

It was peaceful. Or, it looked peaceful.

However, all youkai were upset.

What's really happening is that, without anyone taking notice, suddenly... 

The full moon has disappeared from Gensokyo's night.

本来、満月になるはずの夜もほんの少しだけ月が欠けていて、完全な満月にならなかった のである。
Even on the night of a supposed full moon, a bit of missing light prevents it from being full.

普通の人間が気がつかないのは無理も無い、月はほんのちょっとだけ欠けてい たに過ぎなかったのだ。
It's no wonder that humans aren't aware of the situation, though; it's only the tiniest bit of difference.

それでも妖の者にとって、満月の無い月はまるで月の機能を果たして居なかったのである。 特に日の光が苦手な者にとっては死活問題であった。
For non-humans, however, a moon that isn't full doesn't function at all. It's an especially critical problem for those who dislike sunlight.

A human and youkai, a team of two, ventured out into Gensokyo's midnight hours to retrieve the missing fragment of the moon and restore the full moon.


They will stop the night if need be.

Even if it becomes an imperishable night

As summer draws to a close, not much time remains before the harvest moon. The team of human and youkai stop the night.